size: 25 inches by 30 inches
Artist /yr : Ugwu Samuel Art 2018

This  is a 3D drawing. It look as though the ground cracked open literally while a beautiful face is revealed .
TWO IMPORTANT FEATURES should be clearly noticed here.
1.The cracked  floor.
2. The charming beautiful face.

The cracked floor represents a breakthrough through diligence and perseverance. The volume of the cracked  floor depicts life challenges.  The volume leaves a visual impression on how hard one had to hit at the floor before it eventually crack .
*The floor has been smooth without the breakthrough. No breakthrough , no reward of a charming beautiful face (success ).  To break through new grounds focus is a key.  distract you.  Life is full of distractions. Before break through takes place FOCUS is needed. One needs diligence to accomplish great task, great dreams and potentials in life. One of my mentors, Tony Robbin says "WHERE FOCUS FLOWS ENERGY GOES " most people are not patient enough to get to the greatness they envision. They pick up a task to work on themselves in getting better, smarter, richer more eloquent in their communication skills within the 4th to 5th month they give uo.  How can you be a world champion with just 5months test...  Keep at it.  Don't quit in your making process. The book of proverbs says : seeth thou a MAN DILIGENT in his work, he shall stand before great men and not mere men.
DILIGENCE means to repeatedly do a task UNTILL you win. In most cases great men set a LIFE long goal of diligence towards their accomplishments. Success is a journey not a destination, therefore vision abounds.

The biggest enemy of our progress in life are not our friends, family members, background but COMFORT ZONE. Amazingly one can make the above mentioned group of people ones comfort zone. While I was undergraduate in the university, some of my friends would describe during the end of each the semester that "THEY CAN'T WAIT TO GO HOME AND EAT THEIR MAMA'S DELICIOUS MEALS! Their  family have become their comfort zone not to train their mind on how to creatively make money. That's a comfort zone.
Crack the hardened floor open that's where your treasure is...
There are some ethics we have learnt from our parents that are still life principles for success.
I. Do your housework before you play.
ii. Eat your food before you eat your desserts.
iii. No pain no gain.
iv. Wash plate before you eat.
When ever I see good cars drive by, good houses and multi-million factory or company owned by genuine means I become fascinated by the amount of diligence such owners had put in to achieve all that.
Hard work creates temporal pain while laziness creates life long regret.
Do not quite too soon, keep hitting the ground, create your crack,..  Hit until your treasure has no reason not to reveal its self to you.
If your spiritual life is not as you wanted, persevere, pray even why you don't feel like until it becomes a habit.

 You are not too young or too old to achieve big dreams and goals. Leave your indelible mark on the sand of time.
Diligence hitting at a task creates cracks while cracks makes the opening to your BEAUTY WITHIN...
 Ask your self today what floor of your life would you get cracked open to fulfil your dreams, visions or live the kind of life style you wish you had....  Make decision today to create life long diligency to become better at your health, family, business,career or any area in your life that you wish to improve..
It's time to break new grounds
Get your floor cracked...


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"Go For Your Wealth "

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