one hour per day makes the difference. One hour well put into use can set you above your equals. Just one hour extra effort can add extra to your ordinary for you to become extra-ordinary being. The difference between the extra-ordinary and the ordinary is just the prefix word "extra" extra effort have a great impact to make your life become more productive than ever before. The difference between the achievers and failures is the "extra" time effort and will the put into what they chase after.
Self development is the quality of leaders. Those who have continual personal development are at the lead in their field. Readers are leaders but not all leaders are readers.
1. READ FOR ONE HOUR PER DAY : Decide to pick up a book and read for an hour per day. Reading is not easy but it's simple. Many people procrastinate reading . The reason why we have few leaders is as a result of poor reading culture by many. Become part of the few leaders by becoming the few ones who discipline themselves to read. One hour of consistent reading can help you cover a book per week. Despite your activities, saving one hour at night or morning time to read creates more money for you.
When you read at least one hour per day on a book in your field of career, by 3years you will be at the Top in your field. By 5years of diligence in study you would become a national authority and by the 7th year you would have become one of the best in the world. Just One hour of diligence in study will make you very successful in your career.
2. INVEST BACK INTO YOUR SELF. The best place to invest your money is not the bank, not on stocks, not in real estate but it is on your personal development. Self development is the best form of investment you can make. When you invest back into your self you will become wiser to make a investment plan. Invest at least 3% of your money in buying materials for your personal development. About 10% of adults engaged themselves in their life long personal development. 20% has managed to just read 1 book in the last 5 years while 70% person have not read at all. Most of them don't even know the nearest Book Shop in their area.
3. DO YOU KNOW THIS FACT? When you read 1 hour per day, in a week you might have read a book, 50 books per year and 500 books in the next 10years. An increased in knowledge will definitely get you an increased in your financial life. If you want to increase your income increase your knowledge. Those Who don't read have flat rate in their income. The few ones that reads have kept increasing their income weekly, monthly and yearly.
I have just shared with you the principle that have helped me and so many world achievers to make them happen. Bill Gates, as rich as he is right now, he still make out time to read at least an hour per day. Warren Buffet does that too.
If you are not updated you will become outdated.. Upgrade your knowledge and become informed. Start reading today to begin leading in your field. Thanks for being here till we meet again.
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